Still Life Painting by Arnold Shore (1897-1963)
Artist: Arnold Shore
Signed by the Artist “Shore” lower right.
Title: Grapes and Jugs
Oil on board
Image: 44.5 cm x 37 cm.
Frame: 53 cm x 45.5 cm.
Arnold Shore studied under Frederick McCubbin at the National Gallery School. He joined George Bell to establish an art school. He was well known as a painter, teacher, cartoonist and art critic for several Melbourne daily newspapers.
A contemporary of George Bell and William Frater, he was a leader of the post-impressionist movement in Australia. He won many awards and his work is represented in the NGA and all state galleries.
Shore was President of the Victorian Artists’ Society for 1960 and 1961, and was awarded the society’s medal of honour.
He was Australia’s pioneer modernist. His August 1929 one-man exhibition at the Athenaeum Gallery was the first modernist exhibition in Melbourne.
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